Canisius College

Department Name: 
Religious Studies and Theology
Approximate Enrollment (entire institution): 
Number of Religion Majors: 
Number of Full-Time Departmental Faculty: 
Public Institution?: 
Related to a religious denomination or body?: 
Which best describes the institution?: 
Grants bachelor and master degrees
Department offers undergraduate coursework in ministerial preparation (either a track, a minor, or a major)?: 
Department or institution offers masters programs in religious studies or theological studies?: 
Department or institution offers doctoral programs in religious studies or theological studies?: 
Description of Undergraduate Major: 

The Department of Religious Studies and Theology helps students cultivate an inquiring mind by exposing them to the role religion plays in the development and experience of humanity as a whole.  Students are provided with the scientific and theological tools necessary for an academic study of religion.  Students also understand and appreciate the various viewpoints and values of differing religions.

The major program offers courses in five different areas: world religions, Jewish and Christian origins, history of Christianity, Christianity in the modern world and systematic theology.

Student wishing to pursue a minor in religious studies can do so within one of four tracks:

•Religious Studies

•Biblical Studies

•Christian History, Thought and Ethics

•Religions of the World