Clemson University

Department Name: 
Philosophy and Religion
Approximate Enrollment (entire institution): 
Number of Religion Majors: 
Number of Full-Time Departmental Faculty: 
Public Institution?: 
Related to a religious denomination or body?: 
Which best describes the institution?: 
Grants bachelor, master, and doctoral degrees
Department offers undergraduate coursework in ministerial preparation (either a track, a minor, or a major)?: 
Department or institution offers masters programs in religious studies or theological studies?: 
Department or institution offers doctoral programs in religious studies or theological studies?: 
Description of Undergraduate Major: 

The B.A. in Religious Studies at Clemson University provides an interdisciplinary grounding in the histories, scriptures, rituals, mythologies, ethics, and beliefs of world religious traditions as they have been situated in specific geo-political contexts through the millennia.  Students are trained to become global thinkers with a deeper understanding of the world’s cultural, political, and social differences.  Students are encouraged to double-major and graduates often go on to pursue graduate work and employment in a number of fields, including law, medicine, politics, ministry, non-profit and service-related industries.