St. Olaf College

Department Name: 
Approximate Enrollment (entire institution): 
Number of Religion Majors: 
Number of Full-Time Departmental Faculty: 
Public Institution?: 
Related to a religious denomination or body?: 
Which best describes the institution?: 
Grants bachelor degrees only
Department offers undergraduate coursework in ministerial preparation (either a track, a minor, or a major)?: 
Department or institution offers masters programs in religious studies or theological studies?: 
Department or institution offers doctoral programs in religious studies or theological studies?: 
Description of Undergraduate Major: 

The Religion major consists of eight courses and requires both broad exposure to major approaches to studying religion and concentrated study in some aspect of religion. The requirements are organized in five parts:

  1. General Education courses in religion: Religion 121 [BTS-B] and a course in theological studies [BTS-T].
  2. Religion 285: What is Religion? (Goes into effect for the class of 2012)
  3. Study of at least two religious traditions using three different academic approaches: a) Sacred Texts, b) Religion in History and Culture, and c) Religious Thought.
  4. Intensive studies in religion: At least two Level III courses, at least one of which must be a seminar.
  5. Elective courses.